Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is Fat Now a Four-Letter Word?

Earlier this month, I was in the gym whose website I redesigned and had just finished my workout. As I was cooling off in the rag-tag office/lounge, a mother in probably her mid thirties was about to get her swell on while her two children, both younger than 10, played with a skateboard.

Before starting her regimen, the woman and one of her trainers discussed how to effectively measure body fat percentage. The boy of the two children said to the trainer, "You don't look fat."

Immediately, the mother snapped at her son, "Don't say that word. You will give your sister a negative body perception."

Watching this unfold in front of me irked me. Has "fat" become such a taboo word in our society that it should be treated as a four-letter word to children?